Who are our player's?
StarWormwood12755 aka Kim!
The person with the most points is .....................................................................................................................................................................
Congratulations Ingrid! And great job! You have the choice between a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in a language of your choice OR a $10 gift card to a bookstore of your choice!
And now in the tradition of the Pug's HP Reading Challenge, Willo will draw a name ............................................................................................................by eating it!
StarWormwood12755 aka Kim!
Congratulations Kim! You too have a choice between a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in a language of your choice OR a $10 gift card to a bookstore of your choice!
If our very lazy scribe has not contacted you about receiving ALL your prizes, never fear! We will bite her into action!
And hopefully,
we will return in 2013 with another Pug's Harry Potter Reading Challenge!
Leo, Oreo, Willo, and Tyra